Tóth Ida, MAGYAR IDŐK Newspaper, HUNGARY

“Szudán szinte kizárólag a háborúról és az éhínségről szóló hírekből ismert kelet-afrikai ország. Nagy Enikő fotográfus, író úgy véli, ha kizárólag a harcokkal kapcsolatban emlegetjük a térséget, végül is a háború lesz a győztes. Homok a szememben – Szudáni pillanatok című vándorkiállítása szépséget és életfilozófiát nyújt a látogatónak az Országos Idegennyelvű Könyvtárban.”
Dunia El-Zobaidi, THE ARAB WEEKLY Newspaper, UK

“The picture I saw was in stark contrast to the common narrative about Sudan as another conflict-ridden African country where the people are poor and need help. I felt this paralysing narrative has seized a land from its people. A place that is expected to see itself as a failure and a mere recipient of help.”
Alfonso Armada, ABC.es CULTURA Newspaper, SPAIN

“Pictures and words converse before the viewers, who discover that Sudan is much more than the media simplification under the labels of “war” and “despair”, condemning many a country, or even a continent, to a portrayal that makes disgrace their essential feature. “If we only talk about war when we speak about Sudan, then the war has won.” Enikö Nagy’s look expands our perception of reality, a reality which breaks out of the straitjacket of topicality: “I wanted a book that speaks of Sudanese humanity, the culture that forms that humanity and what we can learn from it.”
José Naranjo, EL PAÍS Newspaper, SPAIN

“Like many others, Enikö Nagy came to Sudan one day with a heart full of good intentions – to a continent mainly known from that single narrative of war, hunger, misery and violence. This social worker who came to help in Africa and ended up plunging into the depths of a fascinating culture brings us a gift in the form of a book and exhibition, which in fact, is much more than a series of images or phrases. It holds a master key to change our view of the world.”
Unesco, Paris
“More than an ethnographic study, this handsomely illustrated book is a moving personal tribute to the people of the Republic of the Sudan, their land, their history and their traditions. Taking us on a fascinating journey through the environments, proverbs, beliefs, customs and world views of different tribes and ethnic groups, the expert and sensitive documenting of these cultures unknown to outsiders, appropriately focuses on the oral literature at the core of Sudanese cultures and life, opening a window onto Africa’s untold treasures of exemplary teaching and inherited wisdom.”
Francesco Bandarin, Assistant Director-General for Culture, France, May 2013
Grupo de estudios Africanos, Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid
“As the Director of the Group of African Studies, I recommend the exhibition “Sand in My Eyes” by Enikö Nagy on behalf of our institution. We had the opportunity to visit the exhibition in Madrid and meet the photographer in person. In our view, both her photography and her approach to the people of Sudan are exceptional, far beyond the clichés we typically have of Sudan in Europe, beyond the conflict, which is constantly associated with the country. We found it an appealing and relevant exhibition that should be presented elsewhere too.”
Itziar Ruiz-Giménez Arrieta, Department of Politics and International Relations, Spain, July 2015
Embassy of the Republic of Sudan, Berlin
“Please allow me to express to the photographer, author and curator of this work of art, Ms Enikö Nagy, on behalf of myself and the people of Sudan, our deep appreciation and thanks for the great effort and service she has rendered to our country.”
Badreldin Abdalla Mohamed, Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan, Germany, February 2015
Fundatión Cultura de Paz, Madrid
“The Foundation of Peace Culture and its President Federico Mayor Zaragoza recommend “Sand in My Eyes” by the artist Enikö Nagy, for its quality and original approach in presenting Sudan. This touching testimony of immaterial human heritage offers an intimate view of a people and the human experience. This valuable work contributes to promoting a culture of peace and cultural diversity, making a great contribution to peace efforts and the construction of a fairer and more united world.”
Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Spain, June 2015
Deutsch-Arabische Freundschaftsgesellschaft (DAFG), Berlin
“The texts presented in this exhibition – many of them recorded for the first time in writing – are a revelation. With its authentic texts and pictures, “Sand in My Eyes” is an invitation to discover a positive world and to develop a deep admiration and respect for different, alternative ways of living, thinking and feeling.”
Prof. Dietrich Wildung, Germany, March 2015